
Nikon AX-R Confocal BioPipeline high content system


Imaging Modalities: Bright Field, Phase Contrast, Epi-Fluorescence, Confocal (Nikon AX-R resonant point scanner).
Illumination: LED (trasnmitted light), Light engine (Epi-Fluorescence), Laser (405, 488, 561, 640 nm).
Detector: Nikon DUX-VB detector.
Stage: Nikon motorized stage with perfect focus.
Incubator: OKO lab cage incubator (Temperature and CO2)
Plate Incubator: Up to 44 plates capacity. Plates are transferred to the microscope using a robotic arm.

Nikon Yokagawa CSU-W spinning disc/ SoRa super-resolution system


Imaging Modalities: Bright Field, Phase Contrast, DIC, Epi-Fluorescence, Confocal (Yokagwa W1spinning disc with SoRa super resolution add-on).
Illumination: LED (trasnmitted light), Light engine (Epi-Fluorescence), Laser (405, 488, 561, 640 nm).
Detector: Prime BSI Camera (95% QE, 6.5µm pixel).
Stage: Nikon motorized stage with perfect focus, Piezo Z stage (200µm travel range).
Incubator: Tokai HIT stage incubator (Temperature and CO2)

Nikon N5-STORM super-resolution system


Imaging Modalities: Bright Field, DIC, Epi-Fluorescence, STORM super-resolution.
Illumination: LED (transmitted light), Light engine (Epi-Fluorescence), Laser (405, 488, 561, 640 nm).
Detector: Hamamatsu ORCA flash V2 camera (95% QE, 6.5µm pixel).
Stage: Nikon motorized stage with perfect focus, Piezo Z stage (200µm travel range).

Nikon Becker & Hickl FLIM system


Imaging Modalities: Bright Field, DIC, Epi-Fluorescence, Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) .
Illumination: LED (trasnmitted light), Light engine (Epi-Fluorescence), Laser (487, 514 nm).
Detector: CoolSnap EZ camera (6.45μm pixel), Becker-Hickl HMP 100-40 single photon detector.
Stage: Nikon stage.